Hash Table
Data structure that can map keys to values.
- Mainly used for the key-value lookup.
- Also known as map, dictionary, hash map, or associative array.
- Most languages already have a hast table implementation built-in.
Parts of a Hash Table
- Key: Against which we store the values. There can only be one instance of the key in the hash table.
- Value: The data that we need to store. Usually stored in an array. There can be multiple instances of a value.
- Hashing function: A function that takes an input and returns a hash code. In this case the hash code would be the index of the array of values. This function should always return the same value if its input doesn’t change. A good hashing function should be able to handle hash collisions. This happens were two or more inputs return the same hash code.
- One-Directional Lookups: We can have constant time lookups only when we use the key to find its value, no the other way around.