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Status update, October 2024

Published: in a63c3f8

Updated: in 875e68a


I made a trip to Santiago de Chile to visit some friends I hadn’t seen in a while. I traveled with just one backpack containing all the things I thought I would need. However, I ended up taking with me a bunch of clothes I didn’t get to wear.

My brother gave me an analog camera, and I was planning to take it with me on the trip. However, I decided not to due to lens caps being missing. I didn’t want to take the risk to scratch the lens. I found some 3D models on Thingiverse that would work for the lens, but I still need to fix an old 3d printer I have at home to print the front and rear caps for the lens.


I started to read Understanding Distributed Systems since I want to get more familiar with system design and backend development.


I watched two movies this month.


I haven’t been coding much lately, but I wrote volume-notify, a small program show notifications on volume changes using PulseAudio. The idea came from a shell script by Hugo Osvaldo Barrera that does basically the same thing. I decided to build my own version using Go and later came across a similar project called pa-notify which is written in C.
